Thursday, June 6, 2013

Simple, Refreshing Lunch

Where I live (Phoenix area) temperatures are now hitting the 100+ degree mark on a regular basis. As a result, I don't typically go for a "hot" lunch (trust me, the last thing you want is more heat when you live on the surface of the sun).

If I have learned nothing from this new job, I have learned that you cannot count on having bandwidth to get out of the office for lunch. In the summer, I often get stuck with sandwiches or salads - which can get a bit boring after a while.

They don't have to be though and my lunch the other day is an example of thinking outside of the (lunch) box.  This was as simple as a sandwich, not as complicated as a full-on salad, and very satisfying.

Watermelon and Feta Salad

  • Cube watermelon
  • Cube firm feta (crumbles will not work)
You can stop there or opt to add some fresh mint or drizzle some balsamic into it.  There you go, that simple (perfect way to jump-start this blog after months away with work and travel life happening). 

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