Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Best Burger Ever!

Yup, I said it.  Yup, I get that it is a throwdown and I just don't care. If you had been here, you would agree...

This all started at the store earlier today.  I decided that I wanted a turkey burger tonight. That one choice lead to a ripple effect that ends in me making bold statements on the internet. I knew I had Swiss cheese, burger seasoning, and whole grain mustard at home, so it really came down to the bun.

I would have been happy with a whole wheat bun but, walking the aisles of my local fresh & easy and I saw them.  The planets aligned, angels sang, if it had been more convenient after the "Battle of New York" the Avengers would have picked this over shawarma. I came across a four pack of pretzel rolls - which matched the quantity of burger patties I had in the cart. To go along with this master piece in the making, I grabbed a broccoli & cranberry salad kit. Simple, refreshing and easy - just throw the contents in a bowl and mix.

The burgers went on the preheated grill and I ground some burger seasoning over the top. While the first side is cooking, I gently sliced the buns. Once you turn the patties and grind some more seasoning on the newly exposed side. Place the bun halves, cut side down, on the top rack of your grill.  Pull these just before you pull your burger patties.

I put a slice of Swiss on the bun base and garnished the crowns with a light skim of the mustard (a little goes a long way).  Plate the salad you mixed and you too will join me in singing the praises of this burger (that you created in seven minutes). Bonus points awarded for how well the pairs with some Samuel Adams Octoberfest beer.

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