Sunday, October 20, 2013

No Driver Tipping Required...

I have so been craving pizza. Maybe it is the fact that I live just down the road from an Oregano's and drive past it at least twice a day. Maybe it is just the reaction of being uber-productive today and getting a bunch of things done around the homestead. Regardless, tonight is pizza night in our house but, we aren't calling Domino's or driving down to our favorite Italian haunt. Nope, we are making our own.  We had the cheese in the fridge so we just grabbed some pepperoni, pizza sauce, and whole wheat pizza dough from fresh & easy

Pull the dough out of the fridge and start preheating your oven to 450 degree about 20 minutes before you want to start cooking. While the oven is warming and the dough is coming up to room temperature, slice four Dorot garlic and four Dorot basil cubes into paper thin slices. Once the 20 minutes is up, roll out the dough into a sure to use flour or lightly oiled parchment paper so it doesn't stick to everything it touches. Laddle out the sauce into the center and spread out across the dough in a circular motion.  Sprinkle oregano onto the sauce, add the thinly sliced basil and garlic randomly on top. Now evenly layer on the cheese and put the pepperoni on evenly.

The trick is even layers of everything - dough, sauce, toppings, etc so you don't have uncooked parts (which is not good eats).  Place into your oven for 12 minutes - allow to cool a bit before cutting and you are all good to go.

No tipping of drivers needed - you are, however, welcome to send me money.

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