Friday, June 27, 2014

Watermelon Feta Salad

Crazy simple stupid easy...

  1. Buy watermelon, a block of firm feta cheese, and some fresh mint.
  2. Chop into small pieces
  3. Toss pieces in bowl - mix together
  4. Eat
Told you - crazy, stupid easy stuff to beat the heat.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Chicken Salad Stuffed Tomato

An 8 point Weight Watchers Lunch (per stuffed tomato)
Irony - I love to cook, I hate to grocery shop. Came home from the adventures of running errands and shopping for the week to decide that I wanted a quick cool lunch.  This time of year, here in Phoenix, it is all about not turning on the stove in the middle of the day.

Here is what you will need;

  • Large tomato - I like a beefsteak or slicing one.
  • Canned chicken - you can use all white meat but, a mix of white and dark will give you more flavor.
  • Light mayo or Miracle Whip.
  • Celery stalk
  • Shredded Cheese
  • Seasoning - I opted for my old standby, Cavenders.
Open and drain the chicken completely.  I even go so far to blot dry the meat after draining. Empty into a mixing bowl.  Add the mayo/Miracle Whip and seasoning into the bowl. Dice the celery into fine pieces and add to the bowl.  Mix thoroughly until all ingredients are integrated. Carefully slice the top off the tomato and core out the inside. Personal preference if you decide add the cored tomato guts to the bowl with the chicken or discard. Spoon the chicken salad into the tomato shell and sprinkle with the cheese.

This will take maybe five minutes but, it is worth it...

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Texas Barbecue Chicken with Couscous Stuffed Red Peppers and Basil Garlic Crostinis

A colleague that I assigned to an implementation in Ennis, Texas brought me back some really nice sauce that we decided to try tonight. The finished product was pretty awesome - if I say so myself.

Texas Barbecue Chicken - what you need...

  • Boneless skinless chicken breast
  • Bottle of barbecue sauce. This was from Texas  so I dropped that in the name but, really you can use any dang sauce you like.
  • Ziploc bag

Place chicken breast in Ziploc bag and pour sauce into it. Place sealed bag in fridge for a few hours (I did this early in the morning and let it marinate the whole day). I skipped a step this morning and didn't flatten the chicken breasts - so I strongly suggest that you do this before bagging and tagging (doing this helps the chicken cook evenly).

Image Courtesy of
When ready preheat grill and place marinated chicken breasts on the upper grill grate.  It only takes a few minutes per side, so keep an eye on it or you will wind up with dry chicken. Cook to an internal temperature of 165 degrees. Give it a couple of minutes to rest before plating.

Couscous Stuffed Red Peppers
Swung by the local fresh & easy and grabbed a prepackaged offering that comes in a ready to use grilling pan.  Unwrap and put on the grill - that is it, nothing complicated.  If you are in a time crunch but, want a filling side dish then this is the way to go.  While there is some great layering of flavor in this, I have to believe that if you spent a few more minutes you can get a customized result that blends the flavors your want (garlic, basil, parmesan, feta, whatever).  Next time I am going to give fixing this myself a whirl and I will let you know how it goes.

Basil Garlic Crostinis - what you need...
  • Fresh baguette
  • Butter
  • Garlic
  • Basil
  • Seasoning of Choice - mine is Cavender's
The method that I am sharing works for me.  I like the texture of the finished result but, crostini snobs out there will tell you that this isn't a "true crostini. Personally, I am not wanting something that will disintegrate the first time you bite into it (plus, this is my blog). You have been warned - read on if you want a soft crispy product. If not, then there are a zillion other recipes out there for you.  I will leave you to decide now...

Thanks for sticking with me - it really means a lot that you have bought into my vision.  Move oven rack to near the top of the oven and pre-heat broiler to 275 degrees. Melt butter over medium heat in sauce pan. Add garlic and basil to taste.  Once all ingredients are combined/melted, add seasoning to taste.  While the butter is melting, slice the baguette into 1/4" portions. Place on ceramic baking sheet. Brush/spoon/pour melted butter mix over the baguette slices.  Place on top rack of oven and cook for five minutes. If yours isn't a light golden brown, then leave it there for another minute but, keep an eye on it. There is a fine line between yummy bread product and burnt toast.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Marinated Chicken Breast with Garlic Basil Parmesan Couscous and Peas (+ bonus tip)

It all started because I found an unopened bottle of salad dressing that was going to expire in the next couple of weeks.  That pesky bottle of red wine balsamic dressing became the genesis of a marinade that resulted in one of the most succulent pieces of poultry I have ever enjoyed.

Just place your boneless, skinless chicken breast in a large Ziploc bag and pour the entire bottle of dressing into the bag.  Seal and place in the fridge for about six hours. When you go to grill it, you will find that the chicken has absorbed about 3/4 of the liquid in the bag.  Grill as you normally would - be sure to cook to 165 degrees.

Couscous is simple and a completely different texture from rice (I like it better).  Just bring 1-1/4 cups of water, 2 teaspoons of olive oil, 2 Dorot cubes of basil, 2 Dorot cubes of garlic, and the packet of spices to a boil. Once boiling, slowly stir in the couscous, cover and remove from the heat.  Allow to sit five minutes - fluffing with a fork before serving.  Peas are steam simple - I won't insult your intelligence by pretending I did anything special to these.

I promised you a bonus tip and I don't want to disappoint.  To keep your leafy greens and sliced veggies fresher, longer - place into a Ziploc bag with folded paper towel. You can also place into a bowl with a paper towel caught between the lip of the bowl and lid. Store in the fridge upside down for up to five days.  Be sure to replace the paper towel anytime you take product from the container.

Simple, Healthy Summer Lunch

With the mercury now routinely climbing over 105 here in Phoenix we cooked a simple lunch that didn't drag anymore heat into the house.

While I was grilling off four chicken breasts (for our lunch salads this week), I threw a couple seasoned Jennie-O turkey breasts on the upper deck of the grill.  While the first side was grilling, I sliced a beefsteak tomato and seasoned with Cavender's (If you have no other spice in your home - then have salt, pepper, and this. I cannot tell you enough about how amazing this stuff is).  After flipping, I cleaned some celery hearts and spread some soft cream cheese in them.

It was just that simple - no heat added to make the A/C work harder and a heck of a lot healthier than was you can get at burger doodle.