Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Sauteed Kale Recipe

Kale - is not lettuce and it is not spinach.  If I was going to say it resembled another green, leafy veggie; then I would guess that it is closer to cabbage (at least in terms of taste).  Before adopting a Weight Watchers lifestyle, I used to saute this with a thick cut bacon and garlic but, now I do not want the added points for the bacon. Tonight, I found a way to get my Kale and do so for a single point add (instead of the four that my thick cut bacon would cost me).

Here is what you will need;

  • Large skillet
  • Two strips turkey bacon
  • Two tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/4 cup water
  • Two cups washed and chopped raw Kale
  • Two cloves garlic
  • Finishing salt - in my case it was a bourbon smoked salt that I picked up over the weekend while in Kentucky.
Dice the garlic and turkey bacon. Heat one tablespoon of the oil in the pan. Add the Kale once the oil is up to temperature, tossing with tongs until bright green (give it about a minute). Reduce to a medium-low heat add the water and cover, stirring occasionally, until the Kale is tender (about 12 to 15 minutes). Push the Kale to one side of the skillet and add the remaining oil to the empty side of the pan. Cook the garlic and bacon in the newly added oil until fragrant (typically 30 to 60 seconds). Mix both sides of the pan and add a couple pinches of finishing salt (in this instance, the salt replaces what is "missing" since we did not use pork bacon).  Others will add red-wine vinegar - personally, I don't like the taste but, if that is your thing then go for it.

I served with a dry-rubbed, grilled chicken breast and some whole grain, Spanish style rice.

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