Sunday, November 16, 2014

Egg Whites - A Story of a Healthy Breakfast

Egg Whites, Kale and Turkey Bacon (with bonus Sriracha)
It has been a while since I blogged more than pictures of food I've made on Instragram. After a couple aggressive months of travel, we finally both had a couple days at home. While our Saturday morning ritual is a healthy breakfast at the local "Good Egg" today, was a brunch-free morning and I was up to bat for breakfast.

A healthy breakfast does not take a ton of time, nor should you feel like it should be a tasteless experience that is tolerated for mere sustenance. Look I enjoy the three egg, meat, cheese, bacon omelette with a side of bacon and biscuits and gravy as much as the next person - the reality of my life is that I paid a price for all those breakfasts so changes were in order. On the surface a meal of egg whites and turkey bacon might not seem that great but, it can be - if you layer the flavors. There isn't a whole lot you can do to change turkey bacon, it is what it is, an admittedly sad replacement for bacon (but, in all honesty there is no competition for real bacon).

For the eggs let's start by actually getting some butter into a low medium heat skillet. Add some finely chopped kale (that is what I used this morning), spinach, maybe some pico de gallo - pretty much whatever trips your trigger. 
Saute until cooked, gently add the egg whites to the pan and season with salt/pepper to taste. Watch carefully - there is a fine line between cooked and charred - once they start to set, gentle scramble to keep them from burning to your pan. This plus the turkey bacon is pretty decent but, add a couple swirls of Sriracha sauce and things go to a whole new level.

It isn't the awesome goodness of a three egg heart stopper but, it is only two Weight Watchers points, which means a lot less time in the gym...which, after loosing nearly fifty pounds, has become kind of important to me.

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