Monday, November 26, 2012

Chicken Alfredo Bake with Whole Wheat Pasta

Yes, it is That Easy...
Protein: fresh and easy

Cooking Time: 26 minutes
Clean-Up: garlic mill, pot
Tim's Additions: Italian bread crumbs, sliced garlic

Back to work after a four day weekend...if there was ever a night where I was going to do a burger doodle drive by, I would be able to find no shortage of reasons.  Thankfully, I planned ahead and picked up "ready to cook" entrees from fresh and easy.

So most of these posts include "clean-up" - I do that because I believe that is a factor in the whole "fast" dinner thing. Wouldn't it be ironic if you had a 15 minute meal but 20 minutes of dishes - yeah, I think so too. So I try to keep that in mind when menu planning.

For tonight, I opted for the Chicken Alfredo Bake. Boneless, skinless chicken breasts with diced pancetta, baby spinach, Italian bread crumbs, and Alfredo sauce. I added some sliced garlic and some more Italian bread crumbs.  Simply throw in a 375 degree oven and follow the directions on the package. If you are one that likes a lot of sauce, then I would suggest you buy more (the store I go to has reasonably sized containers that you can zap for two minutes in the microwave) as the portion that comes with the package won't drown the contents.

I opted to lay this out on a bed of whole wheat pasta. I opted for an up end fresher option - you can use what you will.  I like to cook mine in a boiling mix of water, salt, olive oil, and sliced garlic but - to each their own.  Plating is straight forward, lay down a bed of drained pasta and place the baked chicken , etc on top of it.

Why Yes, It Was That Easy

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