Sunday, November 18, 2012

Why Now?

Food - I have spent many adult years struggling with food.  Like many, I spent years bombing through the drive thru of my local fast food joint. While drowning in the sea paper bags, plastic cartons, and waxed cups; I contently gorged myself on fast food for years. Now - in my 40's, I am discovering a few things about myself...among them, that I actually like to cook and that I really don't find the faux food from the local burger mania store all that good.  

This blog is dedicated to my desire to fan the flames of a new-found love of cooking and a determination to forget faux food.  As I start down this road I realize that fixing good food, at home, doesn't actually take much more time than it takes me to wait with the masses in the drive thru lane of the Burger tastes a heck of a lot better.

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